(c)EirikHustvedt_Deltapump-alle-pumper-72dpi - versjon 5

Delta 800 Series – gearpump, 0-520 l / min
800 series is our greatest gearpump that comes with DN50, DN65 and DN 80 flange. Simple and robust construction with profile grinded gears of alloy steel. This contributes to a perfect rotation.

Comes in 8 series:
800-50 – 2 ” Flange DN 50
800-60 – 2 1/2 ”  Flange DN 65
800-80 – 3 ” Flange DN 80

Maintenance-free, as all moving parts are lubricated by the pump medium. Shaft seal with pressure relief. Available with built-in safety valve.Type designation are then (X) as well. Eks.Delta 800-50X